Chalet Les Drus is open for business! Book your catered or self-catered Chamonix ski holiday, and let us take the hassles away......#chamonix#chamonixskichalet#cateredskichalet
The lifts may be closed but the snow is here & the locals are rocking it.....stomping a good base for you! When you think snow holiday please get in touch, and we hope we can welcome you this winter.... For live availability …
Today is a bluebird day in Chamonix &
yesterday even Gary (owner) made it out! St Gervais delivered.....powder is plentiful !#chamonix#stgervais#cateredskichalet#lastminute#lastminuteskitrip
It's been a while without a 'proper' snowfall, so we're very much looking forward to some more of this next week.... We have a few spaces left if you want your fix
Due to excellent early snowfall Les Grands Montets, Chamonix, opens this Saturday 23rd Nov...! We still have NEW YEAR AVAILABILITY...15% off 6 nights stay or 9 nights for 7....It's looking white, it's looking awesome...!#Chamonix#NewYear2020 #SkiHoliday
Flashback to 1st snow last autumn! With less than 8 weeks until 1st guests it's busy busy as we prepare for #Winter2020.
With a brand new high speed 10 man gondola on our doorstep #Flegere, this winter is looking great!
Want to join us?#Chamonix
Winter 2019 has drawn to a close. The cleaning is done, end of season drinks enjoyed. It's people that make a season & we've been blessed with amazing guests & a hard working, dedicated team who we were proud to work with! A huge sincere thanks to all!#chamonix#endofseason
Have you ever tried Paret? We were lucky enough last night thanks to @Evolution2Cham. Riding down the Kandahar (Les Houches) on a small weird wooden thing....we loved it! Why don't you try?
As winter approaches #Chamonix Chalet Les Drus is prepped and ready to welcome you. Lifts open Dec 8th and snow is amassing up high. Please like, retweet, & get in touch if we can help you. Here's to a great winter!#Chamonix#SkiHoliday#CateredSkiChalet
We're got some amazing views from our #chamonix & #argentiere Ski Chalets, backed up by excellent home cooked food, slope shuttles & a superb team on hand! This image is our Argentiere Ski Chalet, a short stroll from #lesgrandsmontets with spaces for most weeks this winter.
We awoke to #octobersnow at our Chalet Les Drus yesterday! Always good to see snow falling at #chamonix level so early:-) #cateredskichalets #winter2019
How long until our days start like these again? Winter 2018/19 is approaching fast and those dark snowy days are not far away... #chamonix#winter2019#deepsnow#cateredskichalets
Throwback to #winter2019 ... What a day with the team in St Gervais! The MBU ski pass covers more than just #Chamonix. Book now for #JanPowder
Chalet Signal has updated images - an ideal Chamonix Ski base for 14 guests …
Good Morning Chamonix! The snow just keeps on coming (March 31st). #chamonix#Williteverstop @…
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